Have registered myself for the WordCamp India conference. It's my very first blogmeet and naturally, I am quite kicked about it. Importantly, it gives me something to do over the weekend which is usually dull and boring since I usually end up sitting at home on my sorry arse and graze like a cow. Also looking forward to Sam Miller's heritage walk at Habitat Centre which is a follow up to his latest book Delhi: Adventures in a Megacity. After the quirky launch yesterday and the hilarious facebook activities, I am more than looking forward to this event. But, I will have to wait for a good one week for these events to happen. Right now, I just have to be content with doing something totally boring during the V-day weekend: attend the British Council Education Fair.
Yes, I know. It sounds ridiculous and a rather lame thing to do on such an occassion. But, alas, I have no dates lined up and a friend is curious about studying in the UK. Besides, not a single good movie is lined up for release which I can look forward to. Add to that, all the romantic and mushy programming on TV which would make you cringe! I guess the British Council event is a good escape, if not a great one.
Hopefully, you're weekend will be better than mine. Happy Valentine's Day!
P.S. Another reason I'm attending the blogmeet is because the found of wordpress.com is gracing it with his presence.
Masusoleums and Manganiyars
18 hours ago
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