Sorry for the disappearance act people, but I've been quite busy over the past fortnight. Balancing between work and planning further studies isn't as simple as it may seem. But, in between, I've been doing some work for this blog as well.
Got in touch with Patrick French and will be doing an interview with him about his book, Liberty or Death. This will be a blog exclusive so you won't find it anywhere else but here. However, it won't be posted before the end of this month/early next month because I still have to start reading the book.
Reviewed Aatish Taseer's much-awaited debut Stranger To History: A Son's Journey Through Islamic Lands. An engaging, insightful read about the Islamic world. Also had the opportunity to interview the young man, and we hit it off quite well (the dude has an enviable study!). These will be put up very shortly; as soon as I receive the go-ahead from the BW peeps.
Will also be posting the review of Mukul Deva's Salim Must Die. A short interview with him can be read here.
For now, all I can say is regular blogging will suffer since I'm planning further studies and trying to balance work alongside. Still, I'll try and post as often as I can. Watch this space for more!
Masusoleums and Manganiyars
3 hours ago
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